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Introduction To Grant Writing

Original Price : $50.00

Introduction to Grant Writing

This 2-day comprehensive grant writing course is designed to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to draft compelling grant proposals. Throughout the course, participants will gain a clear understanding of grant requirements, conduct effective grant searches, and write persuasive grant proposals. Additionally, the course will cover budget development and justification, submission and follow-up procedures, and common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with expert instructors and ask questions during the Q&A session. By attending this course, participants will gain the confidence and expertise necessary to excel in grant writing.


These topics will be covered during the 2-day comprehensive grant writing class, providing you with the essential knowledge and skills to prepare a successful grant application.

– Introduction to grant writing

– Understanding grant requirements

– Conducting a grant search

– Writing a compelling grant proposal

– Budget development and justification

– Submission and follow up

– Common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid

– Q&A session with expert instructors


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